online poker

Friday, June 25, 2010

New Laptop, Downswingaments, etc.

I'm getting lazy with the updating of this blog, so maybe if I update it more I'll run better. A lot has happened since the last update - I bought faarcyde's old backup laptop, it came here last week. As i've been working on a mac the whole time before this, I've never had any access to sngwiz, HEM, table ninja, and all those awesome tools. So now that I do have access to them I'm really excited about improving.

Unfortunately the poker hasn't been anywhere near up to par - been running absolutely awful for all of June. I won't post my EV graph, because I think the EV graph is extremely overrated based on the fact that it doesnt represent the number of times you make the correct play yet run into a monster. Which has more or less represented my month IMO - everytime i shove i seem to run into a monster. Not including rakeback, I'm $-285 in profit for the month over 1365 games. That also indicates that I haven't played anywhere near the volume I've wanted to.

I added a flag counter to my blog yesterday too. Really cool because instead of just a plain hit counter, I get to see all the countries that check out my blog. Fun stuff.

One additional note - I've started table selecting a lot more, marking everyone I come across based on their ROI. There are a lot of regs (I know several that read this blog, I won't call them out here though) that really need to start table selecting instead of just regging in every game in the lobby. Seeing games go off with like 6 winning players is just ridiculous. Plenty of fish for all of us to go around. Secondly, those players (calling out Deezel50 in particular) that berate fish in games need to get their head checked. Seriously, why would you want to discourage fish from playing in your games? I saw Deezel start talking shit to a fish about a hand that he (deezel) wasn't even involved in. WTF?

Anyways, to everyone else that reads my blog, feel free to say hi to me at the tables, I may not respond all the time because I'm scared to misclick with table ninja lol. But often I will respond anyways, just cause I can't help myself. :) gl everyone!

Challenge Status:
3764 games
$3458 profit

Gonna put in a big grind day today, stay out of my games regs!


  1. shhhh let them join the games with each other. more fish for us.

  2. Deezel is one of the biggest jackasses in the 24s I hate him so much and I have several notes on him that tell me to slowroll him every chance I get.

    As for the $EV graph, word on the STTF street is that it converges on your true ROI 3.7x faster than results alone. Then, we use the forumla 160/(SQRT(N) to determine our stanrdard deviation. So, if you run breakeven on the redline over, say 2k SnGs, 63% of the time, your actual ROI is +-1.86%. So, the redline isn't the end-all of variance, but it helps us discover our winrates much sooner than results alone. I ran at -1.3% in $EV over 1100 games at the 24s which is why I moved down to the 12s.
