online poker

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

June Recap

What an awful month. Thanks god for rakeback. The whole month has been disgusting runbad. Gonna keep studying and reviewing to make sure im not making too many mistakes. I think I am shoving well and wiz seems to be agreeing with me as long as I am setting ranges right - which i think I'm pretty close. I mean wiz doesnt agree with me on everything, but it shouldn't for me to be playing my best. Not gonna give out too much strat talk tho since I know there are too many players at the 24s reading my blog lol. Put in sick volume the last two days to reach my monthly goal of 2k games and i did that with 2062 games played in June.

Anyways, $225 midyear bonus coming up, plus low limit LB bonus again, and I think i squeaked into the rakebackpros rake race for $50. Which is cool considering its probably the toughest rake race in the world. I'll find out in the morning whether or not I made it.

I have some yeoman's work to do in July to get back on pace for the challenge obv.

July Goals:
[ ] 2k games
[ ] 3k profit
[ ] update my blog more
[ ] stop chasing my goddamn redline and maybe run good?
[ ] post more hands in STTF

Challenge Status:
4462 games
$3803 profit

Cheers to all reading my blog, here's to a good July for all of us. Except deezel. Fuck you deezel.

Friday, June 25, 2010

New Laptop, Downswingaments, etc.

I'm getting lazy with the updating of this blog, so maybe if I update it more I'll run better. A lot has happened since the last update - I bought faarcyde's old backup laptop, it came here last week. As i've been working on a mac the whole time before this, I've never had any access to sngwiz, HEM, table ninja, and all those awesome tools. So now that I do have access to them I'm really excited about improving.

Unfortunately the poker hasn't been anywhere near up to par - been running absolutely awful for all of June. I won't post my EV graph, because I think the EV graph is extremely overrated based on the fact that it doesnt represent the number of times you make the correct play yet run into a monster. Which has more or less represented my month IMO - everytime i shove i seem to run into a monster. Not including rakeback, I'm $-285 in profit for the month over 1365 games. That also indicates that I haven't played anywhere near the volume I've wanted to.

I added a flag counter to my blog yesterday too. Really cool because instead of just a plain hit counter, I get to see all the countries that check out my blog. Fun stuff.

One additional note - I've started table selecting a lot more, marking everyone I come across based on their ROI. There are a lot of regs (I know several that read this blog, I won't call them out here though) that really need to start table selecting instead of just regging in every game in the lobby. Seeing games go off with like 6 winning players is just ridiculous. Plenty of fish for all of us to go around. Secondly, those players (calling out Deezel50 in particular) that berate fish in games need to get their head checked. Seriously, why would you want to discourage fish from playing in your games? I saw Deezel start talking shit to a fish about a hand that he (deezel) wasn't even involved in. WTF?

Anyways, to everyone else that reads my blog, feel free to say hi to me at the tables, I may not respond all the time because I'm scared to misclick with table ninja lol. But often I will respond anyways, just cause I can't help myself. :) gl everyone!

Challenge Status:
3764 games
$3458 profit

Gonna put in a big grind day today, stay out of my games regs!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Slow Start to June

So yeah, June hasn't been particularly fun yet....I haven't put in anywhere near the volume I wanted to, but that's mostly because ive been putting in some hours at a real job this week. The small-town grocery store I've worked at the last three summers asked me to fill in for someone who had to take the week off. Having only worked summers, someone replaced my regular shift and they didn't have regular work for me when I wanted it back this summer. Although its nice to see some of the regulars at the store lately, this week has definitely reminded me that I enjoy grinding SNGs much more.

I've still managed to put in 395 games so far, for a measly $271 (rakeback included) at the $24s. Thats pretty much all from today's work actually. Breakeven stretches blow, but its part of the sng grind. My last shift at the store is a short 4 hour shift tonight, so after that I should be able to put in the volume I want again again.

Oh and after a week FTP finally paid me my leaderboard bonus. so add the $121 to the sharkscope totals.

Challenge Status:
2794 games
$3239 profit